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Global Marketing Brand

What can Conversion Tracking in Search Help You Measure?

image with text that directly answers What can conversion tracking in search help you measure?

Conversion tracking in search helps in learning How many people visiting your site from a search ad end up completing a purchase or other targeted actions. This reflects the effectiveness of online advertising by measuring the number of people who visit your site through a search ad and ultimately complete a specific action, say a purchase. 

This data is crucial for assessing the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising efforts and optimizing your campaigns for better performance.


How does Conversion tracking works?

Conversion tracking in Google Ads operates through a pixel or code snippet placed on specific pages of your website, typically the ones where a conversion occurs, such as a purchase confirmation page. 

When a user clicks on your ad and lands on your website, this tracking code triggers and sends information back to Google Ads, signaling that a particular action (like a purchase) has been completed. 

This process utilizes cookies to associate the user’s interaction with your ad, attributing the conversion to the corresponding ad click. Google Ads then aggregates this data, providing valuable insights into which ads, keywords, or campaigns are driving the most conversions.

infographic image explaining the conversion tracking process in google ads

Conversion Tracking Types

A conversion can be anything that you intended to achieve through the campaign. It can be any of the following,

  • Purchase/sale.
  • Sign-up.
  • Lead.
  • View of a key page.
  • Other.

You can also track conversions that happens outside your website as well. Some of the reasons where conversion tracking is used are below.

1. Website actions 

The most commonly used method of tracking conversions. Google has the following categories to track the kinds of actions on your website which can be monitored: Sign-up, Purchase/Sale lead, view of a crucial page and other.

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2. App installation and actions in-app 

If you’re promoting an app, you’ll be in a position to monitor the app’s conversions through your analytics platform. This is not surprising, Google Ads is integrated with Google’s Firebase analytics platform for apps as well as Google Play, the Google Play application store. However, it is also possible to get information about conversions from an app analytics platform that is a third party.

3. Telephone calls

A lot of businesses are more successful in engaging prospects and closing deals via phone calls rather than via their websites. Search engines have implemented various ways to generate phones from their advertisements. There’s even a mobile ad type that initiates to make a phone call but doesn’t connect to the advertiser’s site in any way. Within Google Ads, you can configure conversion tracking for phones using:

  1. Clicks on extensions to call numbers or mobile ads that are only for calls It is necessary to use Google forwarded numbers.
  2. Phone calls to the number displayed on your website or landing page a person clicks an ad, and then calls the number listed on your site. This necessitates the usage to use Google forwarded numbers.
  3. Clicks on the number that is displayed on your mobile site. You’ll have include a tag on your mobile website in order to monitor the clicks. Google number for forwarding (see below) aren’t necessary.

4. Import (from other sources of data)

The latest method to monitor Google Ads conversions that are captured from other sources of data like an analytics platform or CRM (CRM) software. The goal is to to record conversions that occur “offline.” There are native integrations with Google Analytics, Firebase and Salesforce. Advertisers are also able to add a file or upload conversions via other apps’ analytics as well as calls or clicks using other CRM systems.

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Tips to make Conversion Tracking Interesting

1. Use data visualizations to make your data more engaging and easier to understand. Use charts, graphs, and other visuals to show trends, patterns, and anomalies in your data. This can help you to identify areas where you can improve your conversion rate.

2. Gamify your conversion tracking. Use badges, levels, and other rewards to motivate yourself to reach your conversion goals. This can help you to stay on track and make the process of tracking conversions more fun.

3. Set realistic and achievable goals. Don’t track too many conversions at once. Instead, focus on tracking a few key conversions that are important to your business.

4. Share your progress with others. Share your conversion tracking data with your team or colleagues and brainstorm about it. This can help you to stay motivated and accountable.

5. Use conversion tracking to identify areas for improvements in your website. Look for areas where your website is losing visitors or where people are not completing the desired action. Use this information to improve your website and make it more conversion-friendly.

6. Use conversion tracking to measure the success of your marketing campaigns and enjoy the results. Track conversions from your Google Ads campaigns to see which campaigns are most effective. Use this information to optimize your campaigns and improve your ROI.

7. Celebrate your successes. When you reach a conversion goal, take some time to celebrate your success. This will help you to stay motivated and keep working towards your goals.

8. Make conversion tracking a regular part of your marketing process. Schedule time each week or month to review your conversion tracking data. This will help you to identify trends in the long run and make necessary adjustments to your marketing campaigns.

9. Improve your customer experience using the audience behaviour in your website.


Global marketing Brand (GMB) a digital marketing and advertising agency help you with setting up conversion tracking, analyse your ad campaigns and optimize it to maximize it to increase your ROAS. If you are an ecommerce seller, we recommend you to check about our flipkart advertising services and amazon ppc ads services.

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