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Top 9 Features for Better Web Design

When it comes to developing a site, certain features of Web Design can make a significant difference in the overall user experience. These features not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of a website but also play a crucial role in improving functionality. 

What is Web Design?

Web design is like designing the appearance and arranging the elements of a website. It’s about making sure the website looks good, is easy to use, and has all the information organized in a clear way.

Just like planning how a room looks and where everything goes, web design is about planning how a website looks and how people can use it comfortably.

Difference Between Web Design and Web Development

Web design focuses on the visual and aesthetic aspects of a website, like how it looks and how users interact with it. It involves choosing colors, arranging content, and making sure the site is easy to use.

Web development, on the other hand, deals with the technical and functional parts of a website. It’s about building the actual structure of the site, making sure buttons and forms work, and handling things behind the scenes to ensure the website functions smoothly.

Importance of a Web Design in Web Development and SEO

A Proper web design plays a crucial role in both web development and SEO functionality. When a web developer creates a functional structure, the web design guides developers in building a user-friendly, responsive, and well-organized website. 

This seamless collaboration ensures a smooth user experience, quick loading times, and easy navigation, all of which contribute to better SEO performance as well.

Top Features of Web Design for a Good Website

The top features for a better web design include clear navigation, attractive visuals, responsive layout, fast loading speed, and consistent branding. To meet these standards, whether you are designing a website from scratch or revamping an existing one, incorporating the following features can help you create a remarkable web design that will captivate users and can lead them to conversion. 

1. Ensure Smooth Page Navigation

Efficient page navigation is a fundamental factor that significantly impacts how users navigate through your website. The way you structure and present your navigation elements plays a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

When users land on your website, they arrive with specific goals and expectations. They want to access information, products, or services without unnecessary obstacles. This is where clear and user-friendly navigation steps in as a crucial tool.

The Website’s navigation is a roadmap that guides users through the various sections and pages of your digital landscape. To ensure clear-cut navigation, you can add,

  • Clear Menu
  • Breadcrumb Navigation
  • Search Bar
  • Clickable Logo
  • Consistent Layout
  • Visual Hierarchy
  • Call-to-Action Buttons
  • Dropdown
  • Scrolling Navigation

We, Global Marketing Brand (GMB) can build an optimal website for you and ensure all these features through Web Design and Web Development Services. Spend your quality time in developing your business and leave the rest to us!

2. Include Header

The header and Footer are the most important space to list out the important pages of a website. Starting with the header, it holds a prominent position at the top of your webpage. It’s a great spot to showcase your logo and brand name, creating a strong visual impression. 

These visual elements not only remind people of your brand but also help them quickly recognize your website. It must enclose the Menu of your business where it covers the services, products or categories. An attractive dropdown menu can make the user experience easier.

Furthermore, the header is a great place for a strong and persuasive call to action (CTA). This is an invitation that urges visitors to do something specific, like “Join Now,” “Explore Our Products,” or “Sign Up Now,” When you put a well-crafted CTA in the header, you motivate users to interact with your website’s main objectives as soon as they arrive.

 3. Add Footer

Turning our attention to the footer,  it’s located at the bottom of your web pages and carries its own set of important functions. The footer is like a digital anchor, it offers essential navigation links for visitors to delve deeper into your site. 

These links usually cover areas like “About Us,” “Contact,” “FAQs,” and “Terms & Conditions.” Placing these links in the footer ensures users can easily reach important information. You can add your location and newsletter forms as well if people wanna reach you the other ways.

Also, the footer can have essential info like contact details, social media links, and privacy policy links.

4. Write Creative Content 

Compelling and top-notch content stands as a cornerstone for every successful website. It’s imperative to create content that not only resonates with your audience but also captivates their attention.

Achieving this requires meticulous structuring, readability, and strong relevance to your intended target audience. To begin, the quality of your content matters significantly. Craft well-researched and informative pieces that add value to your readers.

GMB is one of the leading content writing agencies driven by professional freelance content writers to offer the most curated, SEO friendly and attractive content for your website. You can make use of our service and rest assured in starting your online business successfully. 

5. Maintain Brand Colour

Using the same colors everywhere on a website is super important because it helps people quickly know which brand or company the website belongs to. It makes the website look nice and puts everyone in a good mood when they visit. 

When the colors are the same, it’s easier to find important stuff on the website, and it makes the brand stand out from others. 

So, by using the same colors, the website becomes special, friendly, and memorable for visitors, just like having your favorite colors that make you feel good.

6. Incorporate Testimonial Page

Testimonials play a vital role in building trust. When potential customers or clients visit your website, they seek assurance that your products or services deliver as promised.

By featuring testimonials from individuals who have already benefited from your offerings, you provide tangible evidence of your brand’s value and authenticity.

This makes potential customers or clients more likely to engage with your brand when they see real evidence of its positive impact. As a result, the testimonial page becomes a persuasive tool that turns casual visitors into confident customers.

7. A solid Contact Page

The contact page serves as a direct channel for users to reach out, ask questions, provide feedback, or make inquiries. To ensure an effective contact page, consider the following elements:

Multiple Modes of Contact: Provide various ways for visitors to reach you, like email, phone, and a physical address. Clarity here builds trust and accessibility.

Trust and Accessibility: Displaying working hours, and directions, and addressing privacy concerns boosts credibility. Including a call to action encourages engagement, showcasing your commitment to responsiveness and customer care.

Visual Clarity: Use a legible font and formatting that make the contact information stand out. Employ sufficient spacing and headings to make it easy for users to quickly locate the details they need.

8. Attractive Banners

Banners serve as dynamic and eye-catching components strategically positioned on your website to highlight special offers, showcase featured products, or announce upcoming events.

These attention-grabbing elements play a pivotal role in capturing visitors’ interest and directing their focus toward specific content.

By integrating well-designed and visually captivating banners, you create a powerful platform to pique curiosity, increase engagement, and ultimately boost conversions.

9. Add Clickable Social Media Icons

Integrating social media CTAs (Calls to Action) in a good web design is like adding cool buttons that say “Let’s Connect!” to your website. 

These buttons make it easy for people to follow you on social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok.This helps visitors stay connected with updates, pictures, and fun stuff you share on social media. 


Incorporating these best features into your web design can significantly enhance the overall user experience and make your website stand out from the competition. Whether it’s a seamless navigation experience, engaging content, or banners, each feature plays a crucial role in creating a good web design. 

Keep these features in mind when designing or revamping your website to ensure a visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly online presence.

Ready to take your website to the next level? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us whenever you require our assistance.

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